I like Judd Apatow movies and romantic comedies. I watch them when I’m sad. Its the male equivalent of a chick flick. Because inside i am a 30 year old single white women who is lonely has had 3 bad break ups. Most comedians I know would take multiple shits on me for saying it but I felt it was really necessary to say at 3 in the morning.

Sometimes I don’t understand the point of being a critic. How is it constructive to anything but your own ego? I understand not liking something but what is the point of instead of going

“Hey i didn’t like that movie.”

and going

“Hey i really HATED that movie because i felt like it was poorly casted, i mean it didn’t even pick up on the subtle social nuisances we all have and it just felt SUBPAR you know. ”

Listen. If you are a film buff i get it, if you are a hipster fuck i get it, but before you watch a movie to educate yourself or criticize. Enjoy it first.  Don’t shit on a plate of food before you taste it you know. If it sucks it sucks, if its okay its okay, if its great its great. Stop jacking off your own ego, jesus. No one wants to hear you say “avante garde” or “verbose” or “quaint”.  I feel like most people are critics just to be critics. And hey im not saying we dont need critics, im just saying you dont need to be one all the fucking time.  My biggest pet peeve and im guilty of it too sometimes is when people go “I really expected more from that”. Really? You did? What are you an alcoholic dad whos son is never good enough? Shut the fuck up. The experience of cinema wasn’t enough for you. You have to say you expected more, what did you want Anne Hathaway to come out of the screen and blow you? Actually wait hold on i take that back because i really actually do want that really bad. But seriously.

What im getting at here is, enjoy more things. Try it. I dare you to like more shit. You don’t have to be a yuppie to like things and im talking to everyone.  Am i an optimist? Sure but, that doesnt mean i dont hate the fuck out of somethings. I consider myself a cynically optimistic. But it’s all a matter of perspective. I guarantee that if you just quit being a dick, shit you can even still be a dick if it makes you happy, but like something anything. And i bet something in your life will be better. Have your days been  shitty lately, heres a thought stop hating it so much. Is it that bad. Do you have small pox? Is your blanket full of small pox. No. If you still hate your life, then i hope you have small pox, because at least you have a good reason to bitch about it other then, your tv isnt working and your parents canceled your netflix.

I mean, my favorite comedian, Louis CK, once put it, EVERYTHING IS AMAZING AND NO-ONE IS HAPPY.