I got a MAC.BOOK.PRO. Equate this feeling to when harry potter got his firebolt. THAT GOOD.

The macbook knows. When i am bored! When im sad! When im happy!

Having a laptop has opened up knew worlds to me, i never knew how much i was missing until i got this thing. Like today in class, when i should have been pretending to listen, i watched a documentary about meth instead. It was wonderful! Instead of learning about how to program an array to move various vertexes in shapes and curves I learned that meth kills! Who would’ve thought! Stop that meth!

Later today in class, I was supposed to design a robot that could navigate a maze based on a subsumption architecture using various sensors set by a mathematical algorithm. Instead I learned that Pinocchio is Italian for “pine eye”! What a peculiar fact! Pine eye! Who would have known. What does having a pine eye have to do with a wooden puppets thirst to be real. Oh disney you silly bastard.

Lately times have been tough santa. Real rough. I sleep little but i think lots. Sometimes when im on the toilet i worry that creativity is escaping rapidly through my asshole. That was vulgar. But its true. I feel like instead of being creative im shitting it all over the place. There’s only so much of not doing, that i can physically do. Its revolting. I wish i had an inspirational Irish butler to say cool things as im workin.

“You know tats just life lad. We’re all in this sham together now.”

“When i was a wee boy, i played wit rocks ya know”

“I love ye”

I wish there was more hip-hop in my life as well.

But this is being remedied as we speak. I shot a short film! And now im editing it! WOW. I also am trying to start a film crew up here at evergreen. Hard job when EVERYONE including me is either busy or lazy which in some cases means both. I HAVE IDEAS. LOTS OF IDEAS. But im still figuring out how to do it. Not knowing where everything is, is also a catalyst for the creative that’s progressively escaping from my asshole. And the problem is that i cant find the hat to put it in and pull it out of. Man i sure do miss MIA.  I really really have to update this blog more regularly. Tell you what, to the few handful of people reading this. Do me a favor. Hire assassins to off me.  Really do it. I promise i will blog about it.

Till then i will proceed to make sweet, sweet love to my knew mac book hoe.