I am allergic to cats. Always have been.

But i met in ginger cat. It tried to follow me home. I named him Ron Weasley. He asked me to play Parcheesi. I said i didn’t know how. He called me a dirty liar. Can you believe this cat? Can you even believe him or something?! Man. So i tried to feed him a cheese nip. Probably shouldn’t have, i only picked it because it was the same color as him. At the time. I believed cats loved to eat things that were the same color of them. But then i realized i was just being racist. How would you like it if i tried to feed you saltine crackers, clam chowder, noodles, and rice everyday. Huh? But what if i was being sensitive. But then again i just assumed all of you who are reading this are white. I mean those are the important people anyways. Oops. There i go being honest again. I mean racists. I mean would you like some crackers?

I wish i had my own kitchen. So i could ask people to make me things in it. Or if I’m feeling adventurous. Ask people to watch me roast marshmallows over an electric stove. My standards are very high for a kitchen. Heres what i would like in a kitchen. A plate full of oranges to cook. NOT EAT. A tub full of bananas. Instead of aprons everyone must wear durags and wife beaters. Noone is allowed however to beat their wife. Except for 1 person, who gets to put on the only Frank Sinatra Costume in the whole kitchen. There’s only one so people would have to share.

I was very sick a couple weeks ago. I drank a lot of dayquil. Like a G6. I don’t understand that song. How do you get slizzard like an airplane?

I also must confess. I dont blog nearly enough. But to be honest its been busy. Super busy.

2010 was a busy year. I was a busy bee. I was a mongolian bee. I raided bee hives and suffered no consequences.

Through my Dayquil abuse. I had a glorious vision. I saw ron weasley. The cat. Confronting me on a Stormy night! He said “Meow!” which of course meant “I think Kate Beckingsale from the movie Underworld was not hot at all in any way shape or form i mean, leather? so tacky.”  So god lit his tail on fire to proove to me that Kate Beckinsale is indeed uber hot.

I promise to blog at least once a week. So help me gingercats.