Halloween Neutrino!

Its finally here! The Halloween Neutrino Special! Its a horror orgie! Its gunna be a shit storm of scary shit, full of shpooks and giggles! Not to mention dis shit is improvised. I will be in it, so come and say hi, and because you’re reading this right now, i can safely say that you are a person of great taste, which means i can let you in on a little something. One of the nights, the whole audience will get to be ZOMBIES for the end of one of the neutrinos. But that’s only if you come, I’m not letting you know which night so you will just have to come to both. If you come costumed though, i cant tell you what, but good things will happen trust me.


The shows runs 29th and 30th of October, so a Friday and Saturday.
Doors open @ 7pm Show Starts @ 8pm
There will be live music throughout the whole thing!
It will be marvelous.


If you can believe this shit.  See for yourself.

This was made just last august for a Neutrino horror genre we did on Friday the 13th entitled

“Pinkertons Revenge”


Take it from CoCo.

Some of the most sincere and nicest words you will ever hear on television. I know its a little outdated but nonetheless something you gotta respect about Conan.

“I’m asking this  particularly of young people that watch. Please do not be cynical,  I hate cynicism, for the record its my least favorite quality,  It doesn’t lead anywhere. Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get, but if you work really hard and your kind, amazing things will happen.”

Maybe this is cynical, but just for the record,  Muther fuck Jay Leno.


Team Coco all the way.

The Portland Neutrino Project!

Possibly one of the coolest projects I’ve been able to take a part of.  Basically, its an improvised movie made in the time it takes you to watch it.  3 groups, two actors each, one director, and one runner hauling ass and keeping time to shuttle the tapes in one by one.  Each scene is approximately 3 minutes long and and each group has to shoot 3 scenes.  After every group is done with their scenes, the first group, “group A” gets everyone together to shoot the final scene (usually done by commandeering the theater and filming the scene right before you get the see the rest of the movie).On top of this, at the top of the show each group must incorporate 3 objects from the audience (1 for each group) into the movie some how, the genre is picked at random and the audience decides the title of the movie before the genre is even picked. As an extra bonus, there is a live band scoring the movie (which the runners also have to coordinate information to) as you watch a film being made right before your eyes.

Its sounds complicated and crazy but its super fucking cool.

High stress, on the clock, completely improvised and lots of funny stuff happening.  It was the most fun i have had in a while.

Here is a full length upload of one of our Neutrino movies.

The Genre was Romantic Melodrama

and the movie was entitled

“Short Short Jollies”

It runs only in August but this Halloween weekend its coming back for a special Halloween Horror Neutrino. OH SHIT! So come get it.



Death to!

Slow internet.

Especially when it says comcast high speed.  If only college teenagers would stop streaming so much porn at the same time, but that’s  like asking Bin Laden to stop being such an asshole. Not going to happen any time soon. I feel like probably if i were to make you a chart right now of what kids use the internet for,  it would be: A: Porn, lots and lots of Porn or B. The Office.

In fact i will make you a flow pie chart right now.

So basically if i was feeling horny or in need of some Steve Carell or both, I am in luck. But if i wanted to browse at my leisure well then I guess i should go get fucked then right? Right.

It’s funny because its making me really annoyed but its so ridiculous for me to be angry because there is nothing i can do about it.  Its so bad I’m getting upset at my keyboard, even though it has nothing to do with my problems. You know the kind of blind rage you get when your internet is so slow that it does the thing where you type super fast like a normal person but the stupid fucking letters show up on the screen like 10 hours behind, so instead of being angry at the computer you get angry at everything else in the room like they are lazy workmates and you are an asshole executive who’s popped his lid cuz you just got a divorce and a shitty pension plan.

Im in my dorm pissed as shit,  glaring at my keyboard.






and then i usually watch some office,  jack off a little and calm down.

What im trying to say is college internet sucks a nut. In the worst possible way. At least right now.

Dear Jazn,

One day you will find this
and youwillreadit.

One day you will unshelf this blog, and like a dusty book in 4 wall library you will open a door.

One day you will attend a Saturday Night. LIVE. from new york its Saturday Night. Live from a single dorm in the distant future, its Jason’s hopes and dreams, yay confetti party Night Live.

Someday you will define your self as something. Lets all hope that day never comes.

Maybe (synonym. most likely) you will forget to remember things. Incaseyoudo.

Say something PROFOUND.


  1. The secrets of the universe is equal to the wing span of a single neuron.
  2. When all else fails, close your eyes and fix your tie.
  3. The weight of the world means nothing when your on a see-saw
  4. Empty your pockets! Chewing gum and licorice. We are all Earthbound. (that was a haiku, fyfi)
  5. Sometimes shoes can save lives.

also remember that

You like punctuation.
You like putting punctuation where it. doesn’t belong.not.really
You like uniforms but only when it refers to single people
You like your collar bone.
You like video games and books and comic books and stories and dragons and sitting on santa’s lap telling him how bad you want to shit yourself from all the excitement.
You dislike shitting yourself.
You like speaking before thinking and thinking before breathing.
You like longboards.
You like crashing.
Into parties.
You like to play
You like to play especially. < —-
You like movies.
You like making them.
guitar. < —-

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